What Were the First Traffic Laws?

When cars were first invented, people drove them on roads without any restrictions. You wouldn’t need a speed ticket attorney because there weren’t any speed limits. By 1949, the United States signed a treaty that established road rules. These were the first traffic laws. Drivers gradually adhered to them and made driving safe.

You Need to Know the Dimensions

The first rules established the size of the vehicle. You can’t drive a car on the road that wasn’t the right size. You might get a ticket and require a speed ticket attorney as well. The Convention sur la circulation routiere established the standard size for a car. This treaty was signed in Geneve on September 19, 1949. The vehicle size that was agreed upon was 2m50 or 8 feet 20 and 3m80 or 12 feet 50. The treaty was ratified on August 30, 1950.

The Uniform Vehicle Code

This is a set of United States traffic laws prepared by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances. This is a private organization made up of state governments. The Uniform Vehicle Code was last updated by the organization in 2000. Another organization (National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) released a more recent update to the code in 2015. Click here for driving tips.

Typical Traffic Laws

The first thing you need to do to drive a car is get a driver’s license. You also have to register the car and get insurance. There are speed limits which must be adhered to or you will get a ticket. You may need a speed ticket attorney to defend you in traffic court. Click here for a traffic court lawyer. At red lights, you have to stop. If there’s an accident, you have to stay and exchange information.

If you violate the traffic laws, you will get points on your license. If you accumulate too many points, your license will be suspended. You may need a speed ticket attorney to defend you.